The Communication Client

The communication is a python library that lets you send commands to Ockle from a python shell using an external program.

Ockle PDU and servers manager Client calls to the Ockle server

Created on Apr 25, 2012

@author: Guy Sheffer <guy.sheffer at>


Delete an INI file from Ockle’s configuration

Parameters:iniPath – the path of the ini file starting from the ‘etc’ folder
Returns:A response from Ockle
ockle_client.ClientCalls.deleteINISection(section, iniPath)[source]

Delete a section from an INI file in Ockle’s configuration

  • iniPath – the path of the ini file starting from the ‘etc’ folder
  • section – the section to be deleted

A response from Ockle


Get the status of the Auto Control plugin

Returns:A dict with a key ‘status’ holding the status of Auto Control

Get the currently available controller types list

Returns:a sorted dict of controllers, the key is the name of the controller, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get the currently available PDU types list

Returns:a sorted dict of PDUs, the key is the name of the PDU, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get the list of available plugins

Returns:a dict with the plugin names as keys and the description as the value

Get the currently configured controls of a given server

Returns:a sorted dict of controls, the key is the name of the test, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get the currently configured servers list

Returns:a sorted dict of servers, the key is the name of the server, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get the currently configured tests of a given server

Returns:a sorted dict of tests, the key is the name of the test, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get the currently available testers type list

Returns:a sorted dict of testers, the key is the name of the tester, and extra information is within the dict’s value

Get a dict of the current controllers that are configured

Returns:A dict of controllers with the key as their name and the value as their description

Get the configuration folder of all controllers

Returns:A string of the folder name
ockle_client.ClientCalls.getDataFromServer(command, paramsDict={}, noReturn=False)[source]

Send a command to the Ockle server, and return the responce dict

  • command – The command to send
  • paramsDict – the dictionary that is sent with command arguments
  • noReturn – Should we not expect a reply. Used in cases were we want to restart the Ockle server

A dict with the response data, None if we failed to connect


Get an INI file from Ockle’s configuration

Parameters:iniPath – the path of the ini file starting from the ‘etc’ folder
Returns:A string with the ini file contents

Get a dict of the current PDUs that are configured

Returns:A dict of PDUs with the key as their name and the value as their description

Get the configuration folder of all PDUs

Returns:A string of the folder name

Get a dict of the available dependencies that can be created for a server

Parameters:server – the server that is going to have the new dependency
Returns:A dict of servers and their description

Get a dict of the current servers that are configured

Returns:A dict of servers with the key as their name and the value as their description

Get the configuration folder of all servers

Returns:A string of the folder name

Get a server tree status from the Ockle server, and return a dict ready to be parsed by a pyramid view

Returns:a string with the dot graph

Get information of the server

Parameters:serverName – the server’s name
Returns:a dict of string of the server’s info

Get a dict of the current testers that are configured

Returns:A dict of testers with the key as their name and the value as their description

Get the configuration folder of all testers

Returns:A string of the folder name

A command to list all available commands on the communication server

Returns:A dict with the command names as the key and a description if available as their value

Get the config on an ini file @param configPath: the path to the config relative to etc @return: a dict of the config


Load an INI file and template data so it would display correctly. Is called with loadINIFileConfig(configPath)

Parameters:templatesPaths – A path, or list of paths relative to ‘src/config’
Returns:A dicts of the template

Restart Ockle


Switch a server outlet on or off

Parameters:dataDict – a dict holding two keys: ‘server’ key for the server’s name and an ‘obj’ key for the outlet’s name
Returns:the OpState of the test

Get a dict of servers that this server is dependent on

Parameters:server – The server to check for
Returns:a dict of servers that this server is dependent on

Set the status of Auto Control

Param :dataDict: A dictionary with the field status which is either ‘on’ or ‘off’
Returns:A dict similar to ::func: getAutoControlStatus
ockle_client.ClientCalls.setINIFile(iniPath, iniDict)[source]

Set an INI file from Ockle’s configuration

  • iniPath – the path of the ini file starting from the ‘etc’ folder
  • iniDict – a dict holding the structure of the ini file

A response from Ockle


Set a server on or off

Parameters:dataDict – A dict with two keys, one with the key ‘server’ which holds the server name in its value, and another with the key ‘state’ where its value is wither ‘on’ or ‘off’
Returns:A dict with the key ‘status’ containing a string reply from Ockle

Switch a server control on or off

Parameters:dataDict – a dict holding three keys: ‘server’ key for the server’s name, an ‘obj’ key for the control’s name and the ‘state’ key with a string ‘on’ or ‘off’
Returns:the OpState of the control

A master command to turn all the servers on the network on or off

Parameters:dataDict – a dict with the key ‘state’ that has a string ‘true’ or ‘false’
Returns:a dict with the key ‘status’ with a string reply from Ockle

Switch a server outlet on or off

Parameters:dataDict – a dict holding three keys: ‘server’ key for the server’s name, an ‘obj’ key for the outlet’s name and the ‘state’ key with a string ‘on’ or ‘off’
Returns:the OpState of the outlet

Example usage

Here is a simple example on how to use the ockle_client module:
import webserver.ockle_client.ClientCalls as ockleClient
ockleClient.PORT = 8088
ockleClient.OCKLE_SERVER_HOSTNAME = 'localhost'

print ockleClient.listCommands()

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