Source code for common.CommunicationHandler

#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Ockle PDU and servers manager
Handle communication massages from a listener plugin

Created on May 16, 2012

@author: Guy Sheffer <guy.sheffer at>
from CommunicationMessage import MessageServerSend
from CommunicationMessage import MessageServerError
from common import trimOneObjectListsFromDict

[docs]class CommunicationHandler(object): ''' Handle communication massages from a listener plugin ''' def __init__(self,mainDaemon): ''' Initiate an instance of a communication handler system. :param mainDaemon: The main Daemon :param listenerPlugin: The plugin that listens for incoming connections (Mostly used to display related debug message) ''' self.mainDaemon = mainDaemon #Command dictionary. holds a command name and the function it runs self.commandDict={} self.AddCommandToList("listCommands", lambda dataDict: self.listCommands(dataDict)) return
[docs] def listCommands(self,dataDict): ''' A command to list all available commands on the communication server :param dataDict: a dict of strings with the information passed to the handling method :return: the response from the handling method ''' docCommandsDict = {} for command in self.commandDict.keys(): doc = self.commandDict[command].__doc__ if doc == None: doc = "" docCommandsDict[command] = doc return docCommandsDict
[docs] def handleMessage(self,message): ''' Receives a message class type, and returns the appropriate response :param message: The message class we received :return: A message class response ''' #print message.__class__.__name__ command = message.getCommand() if not command in self.commandDict: return MessageServerError("Unknown Command") handleFunction = self.commandDict[command] dataDict = message.getDataDict() if dataDict != None: dataDict = trimOneObjectListsFromDict(dataDict) returnValue = handleFunction(message.getDataDict()) returnMessage = MessageServerSend(command,returnValue) print returnMessage.toxml() return returnMessage
[docs] def AddCommandToList(self,command,function): '''Used by plugins to add an ability to handle a message in the CommunicationHandler :param command: The command to be called :param function: a callback to a function that receives a dict of the data to process ''' self.commandDict[command] = function return

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