Power distribution units (PDUs) - Outlets ========================================= PDUs are object generators that create outlets for a server. Outlets represent a physical power socket that that can switch the server's power on or off. Outlet also have a ``data`` field that gets logged in the :doc:`PluginLogger`. Coding a new PDU type --------------------- When creating a new one you should extend the class :class:`outlets.OutletTemplate.OutletTemplate` . The python file containing the class should be placed in the ``src/outlets`` package. Here are the methods you should implement when writing a new PDU class: .. autoclass:: outlets.OutletTemplate.OutletTemplate :members: _setOutletState, _getOutletState, updateData Example Dummy Outlet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an example dummy outlet implementation .. code:: python from OutletTemplate import OutletTemplate class Dummy(OutletTemplate): ''' A dummy outlet, useful for testing ''' def __init__(self,name,outletConfigDict={},outletParams={}): OutletTemplate.__init__(self,name,outletConfigDict,outletParams) self.setState(False) return def _setOutletState(self,state): self.state = state return def updateState(self): self.state=self._getOuteletState() def _getOuteletState(self): try: self.state except AttributeError: self.state = False return self.state Example for an outlet INI Template File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an INI template file from the Raritan PDU, located at ``src/config/conf_outlets/Raritan.ini``: .. code:: python [pdu] pdu_ip=["string",""] pdu_port=["int",161] read_community=["string","reading community name"] write_community=["string","writing community name"] agent_name=["string","Ockle"] [outletParams] socket=["intrange",1,"1-8"]