Server Objects and Object Generators ==================================== In Ockle, a server holds a collection of *Server Objects* which the Ockle's :doc:`plugins` interact with. A server object instance is created from an *Object Generator* class. Currently there are three Object Generator are: PDUs, Controllers and Testers. Those generate the Outlet, control and test objects respectively. .. toctree:: PDUs Controllers Testers Object Generators common tools -------------------------------------------- INI Template files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify global parameters for the PDU, controllers and testers and specific parameters for each server outlet, control and test. *Object Generator* parameters go in a section named after that object generator. For example, PDUs have a ``[pdu]`` section. *Server Object* parameters on in a section named after the Server Object, followed by the word Params. For example an outlet will will have an ``[outletParams]`` section. These template files follow Ockle's :doc:`INITemplates` .