Source code for common.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Ockle PDU and servers manager
Common functions for the whole project
Moved here to avoid code repetition

Created on May 10, 2012

@author: Guy Sheffer <guy.sheffer at>
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from StringIO import StringIO
import os.path, sys
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class OpState: ''' Operation state enum, that all other operation states enums extend ''' OK="OK" #: Outlet/Control/server are on and running OFF="OFF" #: Outlet/Control/server are off failedToStart="Failed to start" #: Outlet/Control/server failed to start failedToStop="Failed to stop" #: Outlet/Control/server failed to stop SwitcingOn = "Switching on" #: Outlet/Control/server is switching on SwitchingOff = "Switching off" #: Outlet/Control/server is switching off permanentlyFailedToStart="Permanently failed to start" #: Outlet/Control/server has permanently failed to start permanentlyFailedToStop="Permanently failed to Stop" #: Outlet/Control/server has permanently failed to stop forcedOn="Forced on" #: Outlet/Control/server if forced on forcedOff="Forced off" #: Outlet/Control/server if forced off
COLOR_DICT={ -1:"black", "Did not initiate yet":"black", OpState.OK:"green", OpState.OFF:"#969696", OpState.forcedOn : "#CCFF99", OpState.forcedOff : "#660066", OpState.failedToStart:"orange", OpState.failedToStop:"yellow", OpState.SwitcingOn:"grey", OpState.SwitchingOff:"blue", OpState.permanentlyFailedToStart:"red", OpState.permanentlyFailedToStop:"darkred", } def loadConfig(): ''' Get the config file and folder :return: a tuple with a config parser to config.ini and the etc folder''' config = SafeConfigParser() ETC_DIR= appendProjectPath("etc"),"config.ini")) return config,ETC_DIR def appendProjectPath(path=""): ''' Appends the project path to a relative path :param path: the internal path :return: the relative path ''' return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'..',path) def turpleList2Dict(tupleList): ''' Convert a tuple list to a dict. For easy and saner access Used in this project because config parser returns a list of tuples :param tupleList the list of tuples :return: a dict with lists for each variable ''' returnDict={} for turple in tupleList: key = turple[0] data = turple[1] if data.startswith("["):#turn to a list if lists data = json.loads(data) returnDict[key]=data return returnDict def trimOneObjectListsFromDict(d): ''' There is some strange bug in the xml dict recovery, Some strings return as lists with a single element, This is a workaround :param d: A dict containing some single element lists :return: The dict with the lists removed and replaced by the element ''' for key in d.iterkeys(): try: d[key] = d[key][0] except: pass return d def slicedict(d, s): ''' Slice a dict according to a prefix in the key :param d: a dict :param s: The prefix :return: The sliced dict ''' return {k:v for k,v in d.iteritems() if k.startswith(s)} def configToDict(config): ''' Get a configuration dictionary from a config parser :param config: A config file handler :return: A dict of the sections and the variables in it ''' returnValue=OrderedDict() for section in reversed(config.sections()): returnValue[section]=OrderedDict() sectionTurples = config.items(section) for itemTurple in reversed(sectionTurples): returnValue[section][itemTurple[0]] = itemTurple[1] return returnValue def iniToDict(path): ''' Read an ini path in to a dict :param path: Path to file :return: a dict of that path ''' config = SafeConfigParser() return configToDict(config) def dictToConfig(d): ''' Get a config parser from a config dictionary :param d: a dictionary :return: a config parser file handler ''' config = SafeConfigParser() for section in d.keys(): config.add_section(section) for item in d[section]: value = d[section][item] if type(value) == list: value = json.dumps(value) config.set(section,item,value) return config def _appendTemplateDIR(path): CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR= appendProjectPath(os.path.join("src","config")) return os.path.join(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR,path) def getINITemplate(paths): ''' Get an INI template as a dict :param path: relative path in the src tree :return: a dict of the config template ''' if type(paths) == str: paths = [paths] appandedPaths=[] for path in paths: appandedPaths.append(_appendTemplateDIR(path)) config = SafeConfigParser() return configToDict(config) def getINIFolderTemplate(path): print path files = os.listdir(_appendTemplateDIR(path)) print _appendTemplateDIR(path) returnValue=[] for fileName in files: returnValue.append(_appendTemplateDIR(os.path.join(path,fileName))) return returnValue def getINITemplateFolder(path): ''' Get an INI template of a all INI files in a folder :param path: relative path in the src tree :return: a dict of the config template ''' returnValue={} config = SafeConfigParser() CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR= _appendTemplateDIR() for filePath in os.listdir(os.path.join(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR,path)): returnValue = mergeDicts(returnValue,configToDict(,path,filePath)))) return returnValue def getINIstringtoDict(iniString): ''' Take an ini file as as string, and convert it to a dict :param iniString: ini file as string :return: a dict of that ini file ''' print iniString iniFile = StringIO(iniString) iniConfig = SafeConfigParser() iniConfig.readfp(iniFile) return configToDict(iniConfig) def mergeDicts(a,b): ''' Merges two dicts, second should overwrite the first :param a: a dict :param b: a dict, should overwrite a :return: a merged dict, second dict overwrites the first ''' return dict(a.items() + b.items()) def sortDict(d): ''' Takes a normal unsorted dict, and returns an alphabetically ordered dict :param d: An unsorted dict :return: An ordered dict, sorted ''' return OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

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